Storehouse Premium Garages

A new company that was beginning the construction of a premium storage garage required an identity and name for the new business. I came up with the name Storehouse. In biblical terms, the storehouse was where people stored their provisions, tithes, etc. I wanted to convey protection, fortunes stored and the prestigious nature of this high-end storage facility. While also bringing in the goddess of fortune - Tyche. She had 3 symbols that represented her. The wheel of fortune represents the storage of vehicles. The ship's rudder for watercraft, and a cornucopia of abundance. The shield shape represents the protection of a person's goods. The crown representing prestige and the 2 jewels in the crown representing the founders of the business. When it comes to storage facilities, common images are often used. This company is far from common and neede a strong visual treatment to compliment the company.

Dennis Michael
Logo designer & brand customizer.

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