Logo (First Release, 2001)
Business Problem: On 2001, had a domain name but no clear visual identity. The company wanted to show to the public (mostly to the Greek travelers) that it was the most trustworthy and easy to use Greek website for booking air tickets and other related travel services.
Approach: After discussing a lot with Dimitris Kontogiorgos (the owner) and receiving his input, I conducted a thorough competition analysis. After that, I visited Athens' Airport to feel like a traveler. By watching the planes, I realized that their tail is their most distinctive feature. That led me to the first element of the logo. Typogaphy wise I felt that I had to find a popular font that would support an Internet application like a website. At that time, Tahoma was one of the most popular font families (it was coming together with Windows operating system). Second element: checked. Finally, I decided to combine the tail with a straight line in order to visualize the trustiness and stability of
Result: Today, in the Greek tourism market, is the number one travel company in sales of airline tickets (according to IATA data). This logo has definitely contributed to this a lot. Personally I learned all the building blocks of a travel agency.