Hotel Bot - Detail View

The details go in a flow, from the most important information to the trivial ones, first things that people consume are the visual quality of the place, then they try to understand the type of property based on the name, then the rating provides them with social proof.

Once they are sure about the quality of the hotel, they want to know if the location will be suitable for them, once they have decided on that they try to see if they can afford the room they require.

Then the description acts a sales pitch the owners of the hotel.

Finally the user needs to know if they will get the facilities they need at the location and finally if the policies of the hotel are in their favor or not.

The flow of information makes sense when we consider that people tend to consume the biggest piece of information first and then make that information as the hook and try to assign the rest of the information they are getting to the initial information they had.

TL;DR The flow goes from big data to smaller ones.

More by Aditya Narayan

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