Teen Vogue Illustration — Mexican Repatriation Map

I was invited to contribute artwork to this wonderful piece by Araceli Cruz in Teen Vogue. Araceli wrote a fascinating and moving account of Mexican Repatriation, a shameful part of America's history I'm afraid we haven't learned from. I was asked to illustrate maps that show the deportation routes that people of Mexican descent were forced to take, and the territories of Mexico and the U.S. in the mid 19th century.

From Araceli: "My great-grandparents Rosa Navarro and Simon Rodriguez came to the U.S. around 1922 as workers. Simon was hired to oversee migrant workers in central California. They had three children here: Simon, Julia, and Evelia — my grandmother, who was born in 1928. I always knew that my grandmother was born in the U.S., but never questioned why she and her family left the country."

Read more: http://www.teenvogue.com/story/mexican-repatriation-during-the-great-depression-explained

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