Revenue Analyitcs

The advertisements that I had to setup, eventually started to generate revenue. I was asked to setup a tab in the publisher dashboard to display our generated revenue. Here is the UI/UX I put together.

I worked with our data scientist (he is very bk(buzz kill)). We decided on what the main metrics to display would be. I then went ahead and mocked up the UX for the graph. Then we added overall stats at the top, and a breakdown at the bottom. After a few weeks of being live, we decided to also show the reporting status, since we decided that it is important for the user to know that the data they are viewing might still be updating.

Since mobile was not a priority, I hacked together a simple UX by reusing the components I used on desktop.

I did not create the date picker. I just re-skinned a really nice one, created by the amazing people at AirBnb, which you can see here:

Engineer trying to find his place in the design world.

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