Indala - mandala of the digital society

Hello all!

For several years I was fascinated by the collaborative religious ritual of mandala building and the visual beauty of mandalas. I have been researching this topic and all the explorations resulted in creation of an artwork called Indala.

The INDALA App requires a conscious or unconscious participation of an audience to create indalas – mandalas of
a digital civilization. The app visualizes public photos on Instagram (certain hashtag) in the shape of an unique

The INDALA is filled with digital public content taken from Instagram (certain hashtag#) and the created collaborative artwork represents a timeless-spaceless imprint, a unique digital trace of a conscious or unconscious co-creative process of all the collaborators.

Your can read the article about the entire process here:

Feel free to contact me if you are interested to get updates, create your own indala from your Instagram photos or exhibit indala at your event.

More by Marian Balko

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