Artificial Intelligent -Traffic Police app

Use case:
Mick is a traffic police officer, he has to move dynamically to a different position in his signal area, he needs to get the whole control of the signal in his hand.

Roles Involved:
1. He can do manual signal switching
2. He can automate the whole process when he in weekend
3. He can get know about the CM Events

Using this app:
Step 1:
He slept the Intersection of rounds, number of lanes and road directions
We can simply slide to change the signal timings
Step 3:
We can select the approx traffic in the respective road so that our system will use the artificial intelligence to give the proper signal

Pain point resolved:
1. He need to go the special place to change the signal
2. Automation is pretty difficult

Feedback are really appreciated :)
Software used: Sketch + Principle

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