She Reads Truth v2 - Sprint 2: Bible Tools

Sprint 2: Bible Tools

The focus on this sprint was to design the delivery of the user tools as it specifically relates to scripture. Once they have selected a portion of Scripture, the user has access to four functions:

1. Create a note based on a selected scripture
2. Share the selected scripture externally with others
3. Highlight the scripture for future re-discovery
4. Copy the scripture for external use (this particular function is really specific to image-based social media like Instagram, where the user cannot post text without an image. Copying allows them to create a post and paste the text in as part of their caption)

3 initial designs were explored, ranging from text actions to icon-centric buttons to a toolbar at the bottom of the screen near the main nav.

The floating toolbar with text buttons was the final decision. Because the user's hands will already be positioned near the verse they have selected, it made more sense to place it there. And, for clarity and to keep a low learning barrier, text buttons were chosen over icons.


We'll be skipping a design sprint next week while I am on vacation and the development team can work on the backlog of designs.

Ryan Myers
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