M – Process

This is only part of the logo which I can hopefully share in the future but I thought I'd share some of my process.
I typically start with a marker pen for this type of thing. I use brush pens but if I'm honest I'm not great with them and I find that they restrict the style. I don't want all of my work to look like anyone could have written it with a brush pen.

I do between 10 and 20 sheets of scribbles and scan in my favourites. I rarely write the whole word perfectly, often piecing together 2 or 3 sections.

I then do the usual, put the scan on a different layer and reduce the opacity. I draw a very quick vector over the top, although some of the points may be in the correct position I don't worry too much about their placement as I'm just after a rhythm. I might then push and pull the rough vector around until I’m happy to present as a route. This is why I have those overlapping areas which help me fiddle around with the forms.

When client has signed off I then turn my rough vector to guides and redraw from scratch with all the anchor points in correct positions and all the handles looking lovely and equal. I may also make final adjustments as I go along.

Larger image of each stage here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BT_AKpqj8V6/?taken-by=robclarketype

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