In Memory Of Baby Rylyn

After 8 and 1/2 months of a beautiful pregnancy, our baby girl, Rylyn Charly Putnam, passed away Friday, November 4, 2011. That morning, Carmen didn't feel Rylyn moving, so we went to the hospital. After monitoring, they found that the baby's heart had been stopped for a couple of hours. After 22 hours of labor, Carmen delivered our baby on Saturday, November 5 at 10:42am. Upon delivery, the doctors discovered the umbilical cord wrapped around Rylyn's neck and legs numerous times. We left the hospital Sunday, and are now at home grieving.

I created a really simple page to inform friends and family of the news at I used some of my sketches and doodles from the past two weeks.

I don't mean to be a downer, but I consider many of you on Dribbble my friends as well as colleagues. I've been very vocal and excited about the pregnancy so I felt it was important to share this sad new with everyone.

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Posted on Nov 21, 2011
Ryan Putnam
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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