Product Hunt Kitty!

Hey! These past few weeks have been absolutely crazy. Crazy, but magical. Crazy in the best way possible. The reaction to the Icon Design Guide has been beyond fantastic, and I could have never anticipated anything like that. On the launch day, my blog’s traffic hit an absolute record, the Twitter feed was full of awesome people helping me spread the word, and my inbox just exploded with congratulations, thank-you notes, and positivity in general. So many people (I’m talking thousands!) have shared the Guide that it even got picked up by some huge names such as Iconfinder and Smashing Magazine! I can honestly and confidently say that I haven’t felt this fulfilled in a very long time. And guess what — it’s all thanks to you!

And the exciting surprises don’t stop! You all know Product Hunt, don’t you? Well, today my guide got hunted there too! Can we please take a moment to appreciate how unbelievably fantastic that is?! Jump into conversations and share your insights, if you will. I mean, it might help lots of people to learn new skills or even start a new career, who knows!

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