West Of Ireland Light

This is Doonagore Castle in Doolin in County Clare and overlooking the Aran Islands in the distance, it's only a few miles from the Cliffs Of Moher from here. I was actually on my way to photograph the cliffs but saw that the light was about to come through the clouds on the horizon and opted for this chance instead, knowing I would not have had time to make it to the cliffs before the light faded. The light that broke through was amazing considering the day had been quite dark. The light stayed over the castle and Doolin for about fifteen minutes by which time about four more cars had driven up the hill at speed from the village, with enthusiastic amateur photographers looking for that elusive shot. For a finish I had taken quite a few angles including the light coming through the turret of the castle tower but soon left as the other guys were keenly rushing around in the foreground of my lens. I have more on my website http://mikekenneally.com/

Posted on Aug 22, 2016

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