App Recommended Animation

半年前,在同事的指导下制作一个APP的推荐引导动画。目的是让推荐的app过程能更加有趣。从而让用户更多的下载app。这个制作的思路是通过上滑拉出一个火山,火山的喷发,喷出小的icon上天最后坠落下来。给人一种不同的感觉。感谢同事的帮忙,那个时候我才刚刚开始做动效。 Six months ago, under the guidance of my colleagues to make a recommendation APP boot animation. Recommended app to let the process can be more interesting. Allowing more users to download app. This idea is made by slide pulled out of a volcano, volcanic eruptions, spewing small icon God finally fall down. Giving a different feeling. Thanks for the help of my colleagues, that's when I just started to do dynamic efficiency.If you like it,please press “L”。

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Posted on Jul 21, 2016

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