Calculator with Entry History
Daily UI 004 :: Calculator
A calculator that saves a history of entries.
I included a delete button so you wouldn't have to clear an entire entry if you incorrectly entered a number. Although delete buttons are usually on the right edge of a keyboard, I wanted to keep the equal button's classic right corner position because of its prominent function and for ease of use. The delete button is positioned on the left corner for easy access, and to minimize tapping error if it were between the decimal and equal buttons.
A copy button for instant copying of the answer appears only after an answer is produced. To minimize visual noise, the copy button doesn't appear next to every answer when viewing entry history. Instead, you would tap an answer to show the button. I also envision a paste button automatically appearing after a value is copied onto the system clipboard and you switch back to this calculator.
Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Designed with Figma. Prototyped with Principle.
*Update: I recreated this with Framer. Take a look.