101 Travel Icons

Would you like to get this set of 101 Travel icons for free? Simply share it on your blog with your audience and send us a message here on Dribbble!

Background info on the Travel icon set

You are always dissatisfied with the icon sets that you purchase for your projects.

The quality is terrible. There are no additional file formats. The set doesn’t cover the areas that you need.

And on top of all that, the customer support is non-existent.

The good news is that you can forget about these struggles once and for all because Krafted is here with an awesome set of 101 Travel Vector Icons. No more looking for that perfect image of a backpack, world map, passport, hotel bed or suitcase..you have found your one-stop solution.

Contents of the Travel vector set

The set of 101 Travel icons contains five, most commonly used file formats to save you the trouble of having to create them yourself.

As soon as you purchase the product, you will receive a .zip file that contains the following file formats:

● Adobe Illustrator Files (.Ai).
● Adobe Photoshop Files (.PSD)
● EPS files (.eps)
● 101 SVG files. (.svg)
● 202 PNG preview files in two sizes. (256x256 / 512x512)

All Icons are 100% vector-based, which means that you can customize, resize and edit them easily.

The Travel set was designed to make your projects look not only aesthetic, but also, professional and modern. It's perfect for Bloggers with a Travel blog or any website/app related to holiday, travelling, summer camps or what not. The set is divided in the categories: famous buildings, transportation, camping, hotel, summer holiday, winter holiday and a general travel category.

The Value of Vector Icon Sets

The world of graphic design is just like a shifty river. It’s constantly changing and evolving, and with the evolution of the market, its participants must change and evolve as well. Every day, visual designers all over the world are working hard to improve their skills, their products, and their portfolios in order to stay relevant on the job market. There are many ways that designers go about increasing their value on the job market. Some designers focus on honing their skills. Some designers focus on networking and building connections to other people. Some designers invest a lot of money into software and hardware so that they can improve the comfort of their work.

However, there is a way to dramatically increase someone’s value on the market that unfortunately most designers overlook. Gathering and learning to use pre-designed work assets is an amazing yet unpopular way of getting ahead of the crowd and having a unique ability up your sleeve.

The world of graphic design has changed a lot. Before, designers as well as customers valued creativity and uniqueness above everything else (both true when you're creating travel clipart or images for other industries). There was no way you, as a designer, could get away with using a template or something of that kind. But now, things have changed. In current times, the most important thing for both designers and customers are results and efficiency. People changed their mindset to a more goal-oriented one, which allowed pre-designed assets to rise and thrive.

Since the end result became more important than the actual way that gets you there, a lot of people started to notice that many repetitive and time-consuming things can easily be replaced with pre-designed sets of icons, kits, templates, etc.

Nowadays, almost every designer is aware of the pre-designed assets industry, and using them became a standard that can no longer be skipped or overlooked. If a designer is willing to stay relevant on the market, he must gather and learn to use pre-designed work assets.

This all holds true of course to our 101 Travel Icons set. Check it out on GraphicRiver and use it for all your travel & holiday themed projects!

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