Rejection Never Felt So Good

Moment of honesty: I applied for the 2016/17 Adobe Creative Residency this year and found out last week that I didn't get it, which is a bummer, but actually fine.

In my project proposal I outlined a series of North American expeditions I wanted to go on throughout the year with other women. And I've decided.. I'm still going to do them. Without their assistance.

All this to say.. before you write anything off as impossible, think again. It's amazing how short we cut our vision of possibility when we hit a little road bump.

It may take a bit of reworking, and surely some sacrifices, but if you REALLY want it you can make it happen. This is the one life you and I know about for certain. Really.. the ONE life. So get clear and go after it, folks!

More by Amanda Sandlin

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