HUAWEI P50 Pocket Cover Screen Theme

Let's take a glance at our collaboration with HUAWEI, one of the leading providers of communication technologies and smart devices. Some time ago they introduced to the market the next-generation foldable smartphone P50 Pocket, with immersive big-screen views and innovative features in folded mode. Striving to add top-level aesthetic appeal to every detail, they wanted to provide users with a set of original animations for the always-on-display mode with a clock shown on the small screen on top of the folded phone as a part of the user experience.

Our team created set of custom 2D and 3D animations that reflected a variety of plots and styles to give users a choice of visuals appealing to their tastes. Check this episode, and stay tuned to see more!

If you want to collaborate, contact us via [email protected]

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