Wetlands Festival Illustration
Last September I was given the awesome opportunity to do a wildlife illustration for the Newman Wetlands Center in Clayton County Georgia. The creative brief was to help create an image for their annual Wetlands & Watershed Festival T-shirt at the beginning of November. High Mountain Creative recommended me to their Conservation Supervisor, Danielle, (an fantastic collaborator and amazing person) because of my diverse experience and range with animal illustrations.
It was a fast turn around, but it was also very engaging and exciting for me because; a.) all of these animals were ones I had never heard of or drawn before, b.) they were specifically chosen to attract attention to them because they are swamp species that are usually overlooked and c.) I've always wanted the chance to work with a conservation organization!
The critters that were chosen (from top to bottom) were the Swamp Darner (dragonfly), Piedmont Blue Burrower (crawfish), Swamp Rabbit, and Least Bittern. They were all a challenge to create (especially in a more detailed version of my style) and extremely interesting to research!
Projects like this one really feed my soul both as a person and a creative - its super fulfilling and meaningful work. Hoping to get the chance to do more projects like this in the future. Love doing wildlife and outdoors projects so much!
Don't be afraid to reach out - always willing to talk ✌.