Daniel Vallejo Training Method

Person pushing a weighted sled in the gym, with the 'Daniel Vallejo Training Method' logo


Daniel Vallejo is a personal trainer who focuses not only on the physical aspect but also on the mental and emotional well-being of individuals. To represent this holistic vision, a logo was designed based on the image of a gorilla, symbolizing strength and determination. The icon was designed so that the upper segment can be omitted, creating a more abstract logo that also incorporates his initials, DV, maintaining a dynamic and meaningful visual identity.


Daniel Vallejo es un entrenador personal que se enfoca no solo en el aspecto físico, sino también en el bienestar mental y emocional de las personas. Para representar esta visión integral, se diseñó un logotipo basado en la imagen de un gorila, simbolizando fuerza y determinación. El diseño del ícono fue pensado de tal forma que se pueda prescindir del segmento superior, creando un logotipo más abstracto y que además incorpora las iniciales del cliente; DV, manteniendo una identidad visual dinámica y significativa.

Overhead view of a workout mat with two black dumbbells on the sides, a pair of blue athletic shoes
On the left, an app icon on an iPhone with the green 'Vallejo' logo on a black background
Female athlete in black clothing jumping against a blue sky, integrated with the Daniel Vallejo logo
The text 'OK' in large letters with sections in gray and green. In the background, a shadowed person
Text in the image says: 'It's OK to stumble, as long as you get back up stronger,' with the word 'OK
Sketches of a logo in progress on a background showing a person lifting weights. The design features
Smartwatch on a wrist displaying a 1:30 timer with a circular progress graphic in green and gray.
Silhouette of a man training in a gym illuminated with green light, with the 'Daniel Vallejo Trainin
Three phones showing Instagram posts from 'danielvallejotrainer' with the green logo and workout

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