DD Reimagined
With the disc golf season winding down back in late fall, I had an idea for a Dynamic Discs rebrand & started rough sketching those ideas for fun. With all of the recent news about the company, I thought it would be a fun & challenging exercise to take on redesigning their brand, unprompted by DD.
For this exercise, I chose to embrace an American theme as Dynamic Discs is an American company based out of the heartland. They also do a lot for veterans in disc golf with their branded basket called the “Veteran”. I took inspiration for this reimagining from Amn Art Deco & classic sports car branding. The combination of those two things really seemed to give the logo marks that sports edge while also eluding to luxury. Dynamic Discs has some fantastic molds & very high quality plastic so my reimagining of their brand tries to bring that aspect of their products to light. I’ve believe that disc golf deserves great design & marketing, creating designs that fit an array of applications & can speak for a brand. Thank you to everybody who reads through this!