Cyber-Security Dashboard Battlemap

Cyber-Security Dashboard Battlemap

Great design isn’t just about making things look good—it’s about transforming how people interact with complex information. Our team at Good Code partnered with a cybersecurity company to reimagine their traditional data-heavy charts into an immersive heads-up display. Inspired by military battle maps, we turned what was essentially a scatter plot into a dynamic, intuitive threat visualization. By layering contextual depth, subtle motion, and a high-contrast UI, we created an experience that feels tactical, responsive, and mission-critical—exactly what cybersecurity teams need when analyzing emerging threats.

This is the power of design—turning raw data into compelling, actionable interfaces. At Good Code, we specialize in elevating enterprise software, working with cybersecurity, AI, and other product teams to break free from outdated UI paradigms. Our goal? To craft experiences that captivate, clarify, and command attention. Because when design meets function at the highest level, software doesn’t just work—it resonates. 🚀

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