⭐️ LinkedIn's Manager Rating

On the job hunt? Close to an offer? How do you know if your next manager will be a good fit?

Let’s face it: managers can make or break your career. I’ve had both great and terrible managers, and the bad ones have always pushed me to switch jobs. The problem with this framework is that you don’t truly know how your next manager will be until you’re already in the role. And this problem got me thinking…

What If… LinkedIn introduced a rating system for managers? Verified employees could leave anonymous feedback, and the aggregate ratings would appear as a badge on the manager’s profile.

This could be a game-changer for job seekers, adding value to LinkedIn’s platform. Although, it might make managers uneasy, it could incentivize better leadership, much like rating systems do for restaurants, Airbnb hosts, or Uber drivers.

Of course, this feature is unlikely to happen. It could open a Pandora’s box of vengeful or petty ratings, creating systemic trust issues for the platform.

What do you think? Would you rate your manager on LinkedIn?


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More by Carlos Velasquez

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