
Photograph of the Chimborazo mountain in the highlands of Ecuador.


Belanka is a local fashion brand that integrates elements and symbols of Andean culture, celebrating the richness and diversity of its heritage. Belanka answers a call for ancestral knowledge and Andean cosmovision, which has characterized Ecuador since ancient times, and seeks to expand in today’s globalized world from a modern and avant-garde perspective. The brand offers garments that are not only aesthetically appealing but also culturally significant.


Belanka es una marca de moda local cuya propuesta integra elementos y símbolos de la cultura andina, celebrando la riqueza y diversidad de su herencia patrimonial. Belanka responde a un llamado por el conocimiento ancestral y la cosmovisión andina que ha caracterizado desde tiempos remotos al Ecuador, y que busca expandirse en la actual globalización desde una perspectiva moderna y vanguardista, ofreciendo prendas que no solo son estéticamente atractivas, sino también culturalmente significativas.

Typographic logo of Belanka with a gold texture on a gray background.
Animated GIF with icons related to Ecuadorian ancestral culture, such as the Southern Cross and the
Key concepts of the fashion brand Belanka on a gray background.
Full-color logo created for the local fashion brand Belanka.
Stationery, bag, business card, invitation, and T-shirt with the Belanka logo on a gray background.
Three smartphones showing Instagram posts from the Belanka account on a gray background.
Business cards of the fashion brand Belanka.
Belanka logo in white over a photograph of a woman's lower body wearing a yellow dress standing in a

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