Mobile App Course - UICourse

Hello Designers ๐Ÿ‘‹

In this post, I present a mobile course app for those interested in learning about UI Design, which I have named UICourse. This time, I've excluded prototyping and plan to explore a new format in the future.

Additionally, Iโ€™ve included a sample view to demonstrate how the landing page looks on various devices, including the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which serves as the example view in this post.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments below ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Are you interested in collaborating on a similar project? Contact me via

Gmail: [email protected] or directly through Dribbble.

Thanks :)

Other Preview

Icon Design

Is the icon design for the application

Mockup Display

Display when applied to a device, for example on the iPhone 15 Pro Max

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