MJURIS - A Law firm Website


The Mjuris website is designed for a law firm aiming to provide an easily accessible platform for individuals seeking trustworthy legal representation.

It enables users to explore the firm’s expertise and connect with the right lawyer for their specific needs.

About the Website:

The website includes four key pages: Home, About Us, Expertise, and Contact Us.

It allows users to understand the legal services offered, identify the firm’s expert lawyers in various legal areas, and easily get in touch with them.


The client was highly satisfied with the website’s design and functionality.

The user-friendly interface ensures a smooth experience for both the lawyer and the client, saving time and reducing frustration.

Tools Used: Figma for wireframing and prototyping.


This project was my first experience working on a website.

I learned valuable Figma concepts, such as Auto Layout and Components, and conducted research by reviewing other law firm websites.

This project provided me with a great opportunity to apply my skills and grow as a UI/UX designer.

Website Link: https://mjurislegal.com/

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