Child Sleep Tracker Mobile iOS App
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Hey, guys! Meet new child sleep tracker design 💤
This app allows users to track and improve their child’s sleep 😴
The shot displays two screens 👉
The screen with statistics 👇
✔️ the child's sleep time graphs
✔️ a sleep rating
✔️ a deep sleep duration
✔️ an average heart rate
✔️ the noise level graph for each hour
🧒 the screen with the child’s profile, showing the name, age, and gender. Here you can also choose the sleep-wake time.
Here is used pink 💗 as an accent color to remind users of pleasant dreams and a carefree childhood.
🌝 The app analyzes the child’s sleep time by several metrics. It also gives advice on how to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety.
The picture is used is taken from Freepik and made by drobotdean.
Press 💜 if you like this design and share feedback!