Crypto Wallet Dashboard UI Template
Hey dribbblers!
We are happy to share Extej, a cutting-edge Financial Admin & Dashboard Template that pairs stunning UI/UX design with powerful, fully coded functionality. Tailored specifically for finance and crypto ventures, Extej delivers a sleek look, unique features, and ready-to-use widgets—all essential for capturing user attention and investor interest. By opting for this specialized template, developers can accelerate project timelines, minimize expenses, and launch high-quality SaaS products in today’s fast-paced market.
You can also buy this template. You can check the website demo from the link below
Here’s what makes Extej stand out:
Component-Based Architecture Built with React to ensure modular, reusable components for easier development and maintenance.
Type Safety Harnesses TypeScript to mitigate runtime errors and bolster maintainability across your application.
Styling Utilizes SCSS/SASS for an organized and scalable styling approach.
State Management Employs Redux, keeping state predictable and simplifying data flow throughout the app.
Performance Optimization Integrates Vite for rapid builds and smooth development performance.
Data Visualization Features both Highcharts.js and Charts.js to create interactive, insight-rich charts and graphs.
Responsive Tables Leverages React and advanced filters to build dynamic, type-safe tables for intuitive data display.
Wallet Dashboard Dark Interface
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