Hero section - TestGrid.io


- Heading and sub-heading should clear who are you, what problem you solve and how it makes user life easy

- No social proof means you are new in the market

- CTA with a 3.27 contrast ratio not good


- Improved the UX writing: if users don't get who you are, what problem you solve and how you make their life easy within 4-7 sec then you should take it seriously

- Social proof helps to build trust instantly

- CTA with good contrast ratio 11:43

- You guys have an amazing Software Testing AI agent: Why not show it up front?

- Focused primary CTA's

- Let users experience all the features or service you offer within hero section



Applications I used to create it:

  1. 1. Figma - UI/UX

    2. Claude - UX copy and Brainstorming

    3. MidJourney - Illustration

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