Branding | KUZO

Kultur Zofingen is changing its look and feel.

Kultur Zofingen is a project that aims to improve cultural life in the region. In 2019, different event organisers worked together to make their cultural offerings visible and create a unique cultural experience. The platform, which is run by the cultural department of Zofingen, offers a list of events and helps cultural professionals work together. The aim is to make the diversity and creativity of local culture accessible to a wide audience.

The project was started to give the group a new look and make it more attractive to the public. The new name, KUZO (short for Kultur Zofingen), was chosen to make people want to go to cultural events in Zofingen and to make the brand appealing to people of all ages. KUZO should become a symbol for a lively, inclusive cultural life. The aim is to make the diversity and creativity of local culture accessible to a wide audience.

We developed a special typography for the KUZO brand. It has a square structure that makes it clear and memorable. This simple typeface fits perfectly into the flexible 4-column grid. This means that the KUZO team can design posters in formats such as A1 to A3 easily and cost-effectively themselves.

The bright neon pink on a black background makes it really stand out and is different from typical cultural posters. The posters change design every month. Sometimes the text is printed in black, and sometimes there is a black recessed area so that the bright neon pink paper forms the typeface.

The project included designing a new logo, a series of posters, stationery, flyers, stickers and a website. People liked the KUZO branding. In Zofingen, the new design immediately catches the eye and is widely recognised – the new image makes KUZO a lively point of contact for the city's cultural life.

> see the project

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