Booking Dashboard - Case Study
Discover the ultimate Booking Dashboard: an intuitive tool for managing workspace reservations, meetings, and team collaboration. Plan, book, and stay organized with ease—all in one sleek interface!
1. Problem: Navigating Across Multiple Offices and Floors
Users needed an intuitive way to move between different offices and floors without confusion.
My Solution: I crafted a user-friendly navigation system that simplifies transitions between floors and office layouts, making the process effortless.
2. Problem: Managing Diverse Workspace Bookings
The challenge was to design a system that supports bookings for both individual desks and larger office spaces.
My Solution: I developed an integrated design that allows users to seamlessly book either type of space, ensuring flexibility and adaptability for various needs.
3. Problem: Identifying Occupied and Available Spaces
It was crucial to provide a clear understanding of which spaces were occupied and which were available.
My Solution: I implemented a visual booking status system with clear indicators, giving users instant clarity on workspace availability.