Charts and Tables for Financial SaaS Dashboard

Hey dribbblers!

We are happy to share Extej, our cutting-edge web-based Financial Admin & Dashboard Template. Extej not only offers eye-catching UI/UX design but also comes packed with unique features and widgets—making it the ideal choice for finance and crypto businesses. A robust and visually appealing website or application is pivotal for attracting both users and investors. By leveraging specialized web templates like Extej, developers can streamline their workflow, cut costs, and deliver top-tier SaaS products in the ever-evolving finance industry.

You can also buy this template. You can check the website demo from the link below

Key Highlights:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Developed with React’s component-based structure, allowing for modular and reusable components.

  • Type Safety: Powered by TypeScript to reduce runtime errors and improve overall maintainability.

  • Efficient Styling: Organized and maintainable styling using SCSS/SASS.

  • State Management: Leveraged Redux to keep application state predictable and streamlined.

  • Performance Optimization: Implemented Vite for rapid builds and enhanced development performance.

  • Data Visualization: Integrated HighCharts.js and Charts.js for interactive, insightful data presentations.

  • Responsive Tables: Utilized advanced filters in React to build dynamic, type-safe tables for data display.

Dashboard Design Themes Options

Azure Blue Theme

Azure Blue Theme

Royal Green Theme

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Extej UI UX Design Agency
UI UX 🎯 Crypto 🚀 Dashboard 📈 Mobile📲 DeFi 💸 Web3 🔗

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