Innovative responsive web layout

Innovative responsive web layout.

The his­to­ry of web de­vel­op­ment start­ed, as most mon­i­tors had a ra­tio of 4:3 or whose size nev­er ex­ceed­ed 15 inch­es.

Upon the ad­vent of smart­phones, peo­ple fo­cused ei­ther on mo­bile de­vel­opment, or on web de­vel­op­ment with the mo­bile-first ap­proach.

It was most­ly about dis­play­ing web­sites on the small­est de­vices!

In the mean­time, we can find mon­i­tors with a ra­tio of 32:9, and whose size can reach 57 inch­es!

Nev­er­the­less, it seems that no­body has thought about prop­er­ly dis­play­ing web­site con­tents on these huge de­vices: al­ready on 24-inch or 16:10-screens, most web de­vel­op­ers set a width lim­it of around 1,200 pix­els.

Try to surf any web­site on a 7,680-pix­el wide mon­i­tor, you will just see a 1,200-pix­el wide col­umn right in the mid­dle, while the rest of the screen re­mains ful­ly emp­ty!

This is why we are com­ing up with a new and in­no­v­a­tive web­site lay­out, on which web­sites can be dis­played on de­vices stretch­ing from the tiny flip smart­phone to the huge 57-inch gam­ing mon­i­tor, as well as on con­ven­tion­al 27-inch desk­top mon­i­tors!

This is pre­cise­ly the lay­out we are us­ing for our com­pa­ny web­site:

You can see for your­self, how our de­sign fits to all screen sizes!

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Innovative layout eveloped by

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