Adentis Portugal / Website
This is the slogan of Adentis Portugal, an IT Outsourcing company. It was an incredible and super creative project focused on the client's offer proposal and the exaltation of the human role that the company likes to emphasize.
We used Webflow to build the website, where the client has a powerful CMS and complete control of the website. We do not require the client to be tied to our services forever.
Time: 4 months
Workforce: 2 professionals (1 designer + 1 front-end)
Make your next project with us!
Who is Codewin?
We are the balance between technological evolution and what it can do in the lives of those around us. We create, implement, and support solutions that bring innovative ideas to life. With complementary skills, we have the unique ability to implement solutions based on ERP or CRM ecosystems, as well as to create personalized web and mobile solutions that explore the potential of Data generated by the business, always based on cutting-edge technology and focused on providing intuitive and engaging experiences for users.
We want to make and inspire with our CODE and be the WIN that is missing in your project or career! Let's do it? 🚀
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