Always Thirsty Drinky Dinky Tee
The brief:
To accompany the brand new can designs for the pilot launch of Drinky Dinky in Australia, I was tasked with designing 3 distinct tee graphics that would be sold and given away as part of the launch campaign.
I always enjoy an opportunity to design tee graphics, taking me back to my Rip Curl days, so I jumped on the project with vigour and excitement.
This showcase is the 1st of those 3 tees.
The process:
In classic fashion, we started with simple sketch evolution, and defined some key concepts we could pursue; before finalising what we wanted to focus on.
The final design:
The final decision was to stick with a bold and powerful design, so we opted to pursue the 1st of the sketched concepts, with some minor adjustments to some elements.
During my initial development, I recall sitting with this first concept for awhile thinking it might be the winner in the end; which is always a gratifying experience once that decision is made, knowing myself and the client are on the same wavelength through-and-through.
This made for an amazing final product that was a hit in the market.