Movie Streaming OTT - Dark Themed Mobile App


A mobile app design for movie streaming, crafted simply for cinephiles, using cinema-inspired colors as the primary palette. The design focuses on enhancing the user experience by introducing personalized recommendations, a streamlined profile system, and an intuitive movie detail page. From "Continue Watch" to curated lists like "Must Watch" and festival highlights, every element is designed to feel cinematic and engaging.

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The styling of this app are based on inspiration from various similar applications, curated based on user experience and user feedbacks. It also incorporates elements from other compelling designs in the same domain. The main goal of this design style is to make interactions and color schemes feel more familiar and intuitive for movie enthusiasts.


This design is crafted based on extensive experience with similar apps, incorporating essential features such as film grouping, quick access to movie collections, and properly structured reviews to help users make informed decisions before watching.

More by Muhammad Rifqi Mubarak

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