Odi Agency: Climb Hire Rebrand

Climb Hire’s exist­ing brand helped them achieve great things, but they rec­og­nized it was time for their next evo­lu­tion. The pri­ma­ry teal col­or strug­gled with acces­si­bil­i­ty on white back­grounds, and the visu­al iden­ti­ty felt lim­it­ing.

After eval­u­at­ing their top com­peti­tors, we saw a huge oppor­tu­ni­ty for a warmer palette. Addi­tion­al­ly, the Climb Hire team land­ed on Moti­vat­ing, Empa­thet­ic, and Straight­for­ward as their brand attrib­ut­es. With those insights in mind, we rec­om­mend­ed mov­ing for­ward with bold, warm col­ors, a focus on indi­vid­u­als in pho­tog­ra­phy, and pow­er­ful CTAs.

We dis­tilled our ini­tial brand eval­u­a­tion work into a Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (or SMIT): Your Future is Bright. This mantra would fre­quent­ly be ref­er­enced through­out the project to make sure it was being appro­pri­ate­ly communicated. 

Click here to view the full Climb Hire case study.


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