Prompted #04 Cover

Here's a new issue of Prompted, Reedsy's literary magazine. An anthology featuring winning works from the world’s most popular weekly short story contest.

You can get it for FREE here (eBook) or buy the printed version ($4.99)

For the cover: we based the illustration on one of the stories inside. In this case: 'Lost & Found' by Don Fazio. Essentially a sea rescue adventure, in which the camaraderie between the two main characters, Cappie (at sea) and Marge (at the lighthouse), turns out to be something more. The story has an adventure component alongside a proto-romance one that we liked a lot, and remains one of my favourite stories in this collection.

👆 Above — Rough colour sketches. One of the last changes was the direction of the rain, since the diagonal the drops were following created an additional axis that was distracting and complicating the image.


Prompts for Writers

Are you a writer and love writing short stories? You can participate in Reedsy's weekly Prompts and compete for a $250 cash prize. Full info here.

Short stories for Readers

You can find the latest Prompted issue here.

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