Packer's Pine Package Design

History of Packer’s Tar Soap

In 1869, in the quaint fishing village of Mystic, Connecticut, Daniel F. Packer, an adventurer and entrepreneur, originated and sold “Packer’s All Healing Tar Soap”.  This famous soap now called “Packer’s Pine Tar Soap”, has been marketed continuously for over 150 years.

Fun Fact: In the movie Aviator, Leonardo Dicaprio washes his hands with a Packer's Pine soap from the early 1900s. The story goes, Leo was given several old-timey soaps to choose from to use in the movie. He chose Packer’s! 

About the work:

The client wanted to keep the original colors, at the same time the design needed to have some kind of modern/vintage look. Which can keep the feel of the original product, but at the same time have a clearer appearance on the shelves, which can express that the product contains pine tar.

Therefore I made a fairly simple Pine cone graphic which can identify that this is a natural pine product and it became the face of their Pine Tar brand.The labels and package I designed and redesigned can be seen above: Pine Tar Bodywash, Pine Tar Shampoo, Pine Tar Soap, Pine Tar conditioner.

Product photos made by the magnificent JPK Media

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