Responsive website for arts gallery

Client Overview

Rumale Art House, is a small family-run 1st ever private art gallery in Bengaluru. Established in November 1973, Rumale Art House is one of the city’s oldest art galleries. It offers insights into the life of its founder - Rumale Chennabasaviah, who was a freedom fighter, social activist, editor and artist. Rumale Art House has 120 original artworks of the artists. They have about 90 frames on display at any point and keep alternating the canvases to keep the space fresh throughout the year.


The project faced many challenges, starting with the need to create an engaging digital experience replicating the artist's work. User-friendly website to cater to different audience types. A platform for updating information about upcoming events.

1. Creating an Engaging Digital Experience: One of the primary challenges was to replicate the immersive and personal experience of physically visiting Rumale Art House in a digital format. The website needed to capture the essence of the gallery and its artworks while engaging online visitors effectively.

2. Showcasing Intricate Artworks: Displaying the intricate and detailed artworks of Rumale Chennabasaviah in a digital space without losing their essence and impact was crucial. The challenge was to ensure high-quality visuals that would accurately reflect the texture and richness of the original pieces.

3. Conveying Historical and Cultural Significance: It was essential to communicate the rich history and cultural significance of both the artist and the gallery. The website had to effectively tell the story of Rumale’s contributions to art, social activism, and freedom fighting, ensuring visitors could connect with these elements.

4. User-Friendly Navigation for Diverse Audiences: Rumale Art House attracts an audience of art enthusiasts, historians, and casual visitors. Designing a navigation system which provides easy access to different sections like artist biography, gallery history, and event announcements, was a key challenge.

5. Providing Information About Upcoming Events: The Art House needed a platform to regularly update visitors about upcoming exhibitions, events, and visitor information. Creating a dynamic section on the website that could be easily updated and maintained by the gallery staff was necessary to keep the audience informed and engaged. 

Our Solution

To meet the client’s needs, we developed a user-friendly and responsive website design using Bootstrap, ensuring it would look and function seamlessly across all devices, including phones, tablets, and desktops. This approach allowed us to create a design that perfectly aligned with the client’s expectations both functionality and aesthetics. 

Special attention was paid to make the website visually appealing and intuitive to navigate, with clean layouts and well-organized elements for an engaging user experience. The site was optimized for fast loading time and compatibility across various devices, providing visitors with an enjoyable browsing experience. 

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