OQC Brand Refresh

In 2023 Oxford Quantum Circuits were looking to become enterprise-ready with a goal of raising $100m in Series B funding. They approached &above to develop their brand and overhaul their website to reflect their market-leading products. As per their newly defined brand values, I led the evolution of OQC’s visual identity to combine their advanced technology with humanity and identity.

Taking a flexible approach, I highlighted their technical expertise with strong monospaced type while communicating the transformational benefits of their work through geometric sans serifs. It showed their maturity while still underscoring their philosophy and technological prowess.

The custom wordmark was developed to show the extreme precision of OQC’s solutions. Working with &above’s strategy and web development experts, we were able to showcase OQC’s pivotal strengths and solutions, creating a look to drive trust and stand out alongside billion-dollar competitors.

More by Andy Henderson

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