3D Classroom

3D cartoon classroom with various  school 3D objects

This will be part of our ROOMZ pack

It perfectly works with our other 3D packs

Check out some other renders ⬇️

Close up on cartoon 3D rooms with other 3D objects
Close up on cartoon 3D rooms with other 3D objects
Close up on cartoon 3D rooms with other 3D objects
Blender version of 3D cartoon classroom

Thank you for watching ❤️


🧍‍♂️ Get 3D characters : https://characterz.design/

👋 Get free 3D hands: https://handz.design/

📱 Get free 3D mockups: https://mockupz.design/

🤖 Get free 3D robots https://threedee.design/cartoon-robot

🥰 Get 3D emojis: https://emojiz.design/

🚗 Get 3D vehicles: https://vehiclez.design/

🧑 Get 3D heads: https://headz.design/

👩 Get 3D illustrations of adults, kids, elders, pets: https://illustrationz.design/ 🐢 Get cute 3D animals https://animalz.design/

🏙️ Build your own 3D city https://worldz.design/

👤 Get 3D avatars https://avatarz.design/

🧑 Get Faceless 3D characters: www.threedee.design/3d-cartoon-character

👱‍♂️ Get Chibi 3D models: https://www.threedee.design/chibi-3d-model

Check all our 3D libraries here.

If you need custom 3D work, reach out to us.

Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/FbwXQtMz If you need custom 3D work, reach out to us: [email protected]


Created by ThreeDee

Webpage Instagram

Lovely ❤️ 3D illustrations library
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