Easy As Pie - Campaign (Register to Vote)

This is a Campaign for the UK 2024 Election. Aiming to get Young people from 18 to 24 years of age to register to vote.

In the UK, young people are much less likely to vote than the older generation. In the 2019 General Election, only 47% of young people aged 18 to 24 voted, compared to 78% of those aged 65 and older (Uberoi, 2023, House of Commons Library).

This means that young people’s voices are not being heard, which is a problem, as young people could be considered a priority since it’s their futures that will be at stake.

The brief was brought to me through my Uni. The brief was created and organised by a group called Creative Conscience.

Website: https://www.creative-conscience.org.uk/

The idea is to place "register to vote" stickers on the sign posts in high density areas to get people to scan the QR.

The stickers were strategically placed around Nottingham City in areas that are mostly populated with students as the campain is aiming to get young people to vote.

Using special software I saw the how many people scanned my QR's around the city after a week. I found that this managed to get a few scans, which is progress.

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