Bakedilly Logo & Brand Guideline

Bakedilly Logo & Brand Guideline Overview:

  1. Logo Design Elements:

    • The logo prominently features a cupcake icon, which is a universal symbol of baked goods.

    • Playful elements like the cherry, splashes, and stars represent fun and celebration.

    • The combination of fonts in the logo balances professionalism with a friendly, approachable vibe.

  2. Color Palette:

    • Primary Color: Various shades of red (#991b01, #f48636, #d2532c) dominate the brand, symbolizing warmth, passion, and appetite.

    • Secondary Colors: Additional colors include teal (#26c592, #2faba1) and gold (#b2650d), which add versatility to the brand's applications.

    • The vibrant color palette allows for flexibility in branding while maintaining a cohesive look.

  3. Font Selection:

    • Primary Font: Brasika - used for the main text in the logo, offering a clean and readable typeface.

    • Secondary Font: Biski - complements the primary font with a softer, rounded style.

    • Tertiary Font: Great Vibes - an elegant script font used for accents and decorative purposes.

  4. Logo Variations:

    • The logo comes in multiple color options, including the primary red, teal, and gold versions.

    • These variations ensure adaptability across different media and materials.

  5. Brand Applications:

    • The brand’s logo and design elements are showcased across various packaging types such as bread wraps, boxes, and shopping bags.

    • The branding is applied consistently across different materials, maintaining brand recognition.

    • Custom patterns with the cupcake logo are also used to enhance brand identity on packaging.

  6. Visual Consistency:

    • The brand maintains visual consistency through the use of its selected fonts, colors, and design elements across all applications.

    • The cohesive visual identity makes Bakedilly instantly recognizable and memorable.

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