Ivy Town Streng Bros Homes community - custom artwork

design mockups of historic home plaque, house illustration, map, and logo for Ivy Town Streng Bros.
historic home plaque mockup for Ivy Town Streng Bros. Homes Community
MOD-icon (minimalist vector illustration of house) for Ivy Town Streng Bros. Homes Community
minimalist MCM neighborhood map for Ivy Town Streng Bros. Homes Community

While there are a bunch of Streng Bros. Homes sprinkled throughout Davis, California, most of them are concentrated in 2 developments. Ivy Town contains about 90 Strengs of varying types, along with a lot of other cool mid century modern homes built in the 60s and 70s.

This post focuses on the highly sought after Streng Plan 5249, also known as the “Two Story” model. Here you can see a mockup of one of my tooled aluminum historic home plaques, a neighborhood map, as well as a minimalist vector illustration of the front of the home (I call them MOD-icons) and a custom neighborhood logo. You can get all 3 of these things for your home for just $450, or get them individually at very affordable rates.

Rexx DeMarzio
mid-century inspired minimalist artwork and design.
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