Epicurrence Patches

I'm incredibly stoked about these Epicurrence patches that just came in for Epicurrence No.3 in Park City! Even more excited about what they are going to be on ;)

I might have a few leftover if you're interested in one. For every Epicurrence patch I use CBF Label. They're the best. When you're ready to make on order on patches let me know and I'll make an intro for you.

Only a couple more weeks till show time!

Check out epicurrence.com built by Rally. Also, we won Awwward's Site of the Day last week! YEWWW!

I've got one spot left for Epicurrence No.3 for a sponsorship opportunity. Let me know if you or your company is interested. Email me at [email protected] if interested. Spot has to be taken by this Friday.

I've also got spots left for Epicurrence—The Montues in March!

More by Dann Petty

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