Creative Logo Design

Cooking up this gem! 🎨✨

Working on this brand identity project for a dynamic, mixed-business company. They oversee a diverse portfolio of brands across industries such as construction, car sales, export-import, contracting, clothing, transportation, and more.

For such a company, you need a mark that is flexible so it can be distributed at various scales, sizes, and contexts. It also needs to be solid and credible.

People should recognize and remember it after seeing it once or twice.

Crafting such a logo can be tricky while maintaining all the attributes of a good logo design.

â–¶ It needs to be:

- Appropriate

- Simple

- Distinctive

- Memorable

I spent quite a while exploring different logo concepts and variations, but none felt quite right. They either seemed too complex or too obvious.

Until I landed on this design solution, and instantly the concept felt just right for the business. Unique yet simple enough to blend easily into consumers' daily lives.

Sometimes you just need to keep pushing and experimenting. Eventually, you hit that sweet spot and instantly know, "Yup, that is it!"

P.S. Can you spot the letter here?


Is your brand getting the attention it deserves?

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