Critical Communication - Hardware buttons testing on Android App
Context for the Project
During a critical mission, the field teams using external devices need to connect to the main app for different types of requests, such as checking the proper functionality of the external devices.
This project involves a critical communication app in the telecommunications industry.
The app includes an interface dedicated to checking the functionality of hardware devices to ensure they are operational for future critical missions.
The goal of this project was to create a user-friendly interface for both automatic and manual connection to check the external devices used by the team.
Clicking ↓ on these hardware buttons from external devices to check their proper functionality in the critical communication app.
The whole flow ↓
Settings page -> Loading bar (with skeleton) -> Device found -> Hardware buttons testing -> Confirmation if it works or not.
Prototyping ↓
Skeleton for loading ↓
During the connection to the external devices, because it can sometimes take more time, there is a user-friendly loading skeleton and circular progress indicator.
Micro-Interaction ↓
to open a hardware buttons testing page with click feedback, smooth transitions, and loading indicators to enhance user experience.
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