
Revival - The VOZROZHDENIE company. Restoration and repair of architectural objects of cultural heritage. Professionally. Thoroughly. High quality. Expensive. The task is to make an original logo that does not look like most logos in this business area. The idea arose to make a mythological Russian character. In the bas-reliefs of ancient Russian churches, several recurring characters can be distinguished. Of the animals, this is a lioness or a lion, a top, a wolf, a bird-a sirin, a pigeon, a bear. The solution - A wolf was chosen- a symbol of strength, might, belligerence against evil, but replacing fangs with teeth indicates the absence of malice, aggression, and a plant ornament- a sprout from the tail of an animal is the growth of everything on earth. It is not an exact copy, but a simplified replica of the mythological wolf. The spelling for these logos is classic, because the name is long—therefore, the spelling is narrow, high to show significance, the subscript is small, compact, sans-serif font. The colors consonant with Orthodox paintings are royal crimson- dark red, beige-ochre and beige-gray- umber. All these colors are present both on icons and on wall paintings of temples and palaces.

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