Tunga Agency Website Design Project

Client: Tunga Agency, a real estate agency based in Rwanda, Africa

Project Duration: 4 weeks


- Help Tunga Agency stand out from competitors

- Provide better and safer services for buying, selling, and renting houses

- Enhance their online presence with a focus on Local SEO

Tools Used:

- Figma for design

- Framer for development


I had the pleasure of working with Tunga Agency, a leading real estate agency in Rwanda, to revamp their website. Over the course of four weeks, we aimed to create a distinctive online presence that sets them apart from competitors while offering a seamless and secure experience for their clients.

Our main focus was to design and develop a user-friendly website that not only highlights Tunga Agency's unique services but also ensures a safe and efficient process for buying, selling, and renting houses. By incorporating Local SEO strategies, we aimed to boost their visibility and attract more local clients.

Using Figma, we crafted a sleek, modern design that reflects the agency's professionalism and reliability. For development, we utilized Framer to bring the design to life with smooth interactions and responsive layouts.

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