Client: Sunquick Bangladesh

Agency: Analyzen

Vendor: XR Interactive

Project Duration: 25 Days

XR Interactive created a VR game called "Fruit Slicer" to promote Sunquick's fruit juices.


To effectively increase brand awareness for Sunquick and its three fruit juice flavors, the goal was to develop an immersive VR experience that integrated the branding into the gameplay. The project aimed to be visually appealing and engaging, ensuring that the branding felt like a natural part of the game’s world. This development needed to be completed within a 25-day timeframe, focusing on seamless integration and a compelling user experience that resonated with the audience. The result was a VR game that not only entertained but also subtly promoted Sunquick’s products, encouraging players to associate the fun of the game with the flavors of the juices.


Sunquick Fruit Slicer, a VR game inspired by the popular Fruit Ninja, immerses players in a virtual Bangladesh setting where they slice through an array of fruits that correspond to Sunquick’s diverse product line. As players skillfully cut through the fruit, they accumulate points that visually fill up a Sunquick bottle, enhancing the sense of achievement. To promote the healthy aspects of fruit consumption, bonus points are awarded when players slice through nutrition tags. The game experience is enriched with realistic 3D graphics and sound effects, providing an engaging sensory experience. As players advance, they face increasing difficulty levels, keeping the gameplay challenging and exciting. The game’s appeal is further heightened by custom-designed 3D models, animations, and voiceovers, all crafted to create a unique and captivating virtual reality experience that aligns with Sunquick’s branding and message.

Delivering high-quality VR projects within a tight timeframe, XR Interactive has successfully created ‘Sunquick Fruit Slicer,’ a VR experience that is both fun and engaging, effectively promoting Sunquick’s brand and products.


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